A few months ago we brought you the story of Sal Piarulli who led the charge in Garwood to resist and fight back against the governor's plan to sexualize education. Surrounding the controversy, we launched the parental bill of rights, which was successful in motivating tens of thousands of parents to push back across the state.
Although tens of thousands of parents fought back and dozens of government entities and school boards refused to implement the new curriculum, the fight is far from over.
Sal is now under fire from the Board of Education, despite winning a decision in court that dismissed the Board's lawsuit against him. This is what happens when courageous parents stand up for the rights of kids.
When you challenge the "group think" of political recruiting and the weaponizing of our education system for political purposes. It's not just the sexualized curriculum, it's also the idea that kids are being taught to be "gender fluid" and question their biology without letting parents know.
Beyond the gender confusion and sex acts being taught in grade school, we now have a new law sadly supported by Republicans in the state Senate that allowed the same bureaucrats who pushed the sex agenda to decide what is real and fake news. It's so outrageous and misguided that the NJ law has garnered national attention.
Dr. Ben Carson joined the show to explain why the law is so bad.
If you want to support Sal's fight to stand up for kids and parents, please consider giving to his legal fight HERE and listen to our conversation here.